Thank you, Grantors

November 20, 2023

Did you know that TFNU operates on a yearly budget defined in part from funds we have received through grants, as well as through donations and memberships? We couldn’t do what we do without either of these funding sources. 

Grant awards almost always go to fund a specific program or project. Trail work throughout the summer, tools, fuel, etc.,  are great examples of this. However, very few grants help with general operating expenses. This is part of the reason when, come the end of the year, many non-profits start their biggest fundraising pushes of the year. Often, it’s to try and make up any shortcomings they may have run into that year. 

Recently, we were honored to have received three grants made possible from the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation, The Two for The Trails Program at Athletic Brewing, and the Ralph Nye Charitable Foundation. 

The Rocky Mountain Power Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Rocky Mountain Power. Our mission, through our charitable investments, is to support the growth and vitality of our communities. They awarded us with a check for $5,000 at our Fall Trail Mixer Event. 


Rocky Mountain Power Foundation
Regional Business Manager, Kirk Nigro,
presenting TFNU Executive Director,
with a generous $5,000 check at the
TFNU Fall Trail Mixer Event on
Oct. 26, 2023


Athletic Brewing is the company behind the non-alcoholic brews you may have seen and tried at any of our free community events this past year. Working under the grant name of Two For The Trails, they have committed to giving back up to $2 Million annually to protect and restore our outdoor spaces. They recently awarded us $5,000 to go towards our Adaptive Accommodations & Education of Northern Utah Trail user efforts.


And finally, the Ralph Nye Charitable Foundation. This is a family run philanthropic foundation and have long been supporters of TFNU by awarding us grant funds that go directly to our general operating expenses. This year, we were awarded $2,500.

If you value our public trail systems here in Northern Utah, and have ever donated to us through yearly membership or donation - the thanks here also goes out to you! Every penny adds makes a difference and it takes quite a few pennies to move these mountains! Thanks for doing your part for all of us!


It’s About the Trails Podcast - New Episode


North Ogden Big Rock Trailhead Ribbon Cutting